back in the day the family(Carrie KAte Chris and myself) used have the hardest time taking a picture with all four of us in it
it was a while before that actually happened
now and days its even harder for the four of us to actually be in the same room together
but one Friday that happend
it was a nice reunion
Family core was there as well as Gentleman Tyson and Raul
here's a quicky:
Gentleman gave me a hug in the kitchen and while he was walking back to the table I kept staring at him
all of a sudden his legs went wobbley kinda like the scarecrow learning to walk
he almost fell out of the window
he yells" what the hell was that?"
"My legs stopped working, I almost fell out of the goddamn window!"
he turned around I was still staring at him
he said, "did you do that?"
Sharpie says "probably, me and Tuna have that power."
I denied it
anyway everything was going great
Tyson wanted me to buy the Hurricane beers
I did and it made the Gentleman cringe
the usual happened but then all over a sudden it got wild
Raul went nuts
he just got really drunk and snapped
what he was doing was going around and grabbing people
a little inapproriately
it was like he worked at a doorknob factory and was the inspector
and his hair was all frizzed out and out of control
it made him look like a savage beast
at one point he grabbed me by the waist and lifted me straight up, then fell back with me in the air
in the wrestling world this move is called a flap jack it looks like this:

anyway Tyson said while I was in the air I looked at them and said,"oh this is gonna hurt"
KAte said I never dropped my beer
If my bones already were not powder they would have definitely broken
anyway he got out of the house and I chased him down
he knocked me around and just about all of my wounds re-opened
that was the first time I was bleeding out of the same wounds
later I got scabs on my scabs
anyway I had everyone go into the rooms
KAte Tyson and Sharpie were in my room
I told them,"when I leave, shut this door, and no matter what you hear don't open it."
they agreed then Kate tells me they looked for the shotgun
they were afraid that I took it out with me
ha ha ha could you imagine
you hear a shotgun blast and then I come back and say"ok you can come out now"
man could you imagine all the blood and hair that would leave
but they were curious and and they would crack the door
Raul would see them and make a break for them
I would keep him away
and got tossed around in the process
it was a nightmare
next day the hurricane had hit Tyson pretty bad
we went down a road with a beautiful view
we all sighed and took in the view, Tyson needed to throw us so we pulled over
I can just imagine the picture of that beautiful view with Tyson leaning over and puking
anyway Gentleman was driving and that's when we found out how bad a driver he is
his turns were making Tyson sicker
Kate said" Gentleman you're a horible driver, I wish Erik was driving "
that's pretty bad
if you knew how much Kate dislikes The Madnes' driving
anyway my Wolverine recovering powers kicked in and I was 100% in the next few days
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