before I get into this one, I have a couple of notes
I took a huge hit on readers by removing myself from facebook
but I'm just gonna keep truckin'
greetings to Serbia by the way
and these posts are even more frequent
I guess now, this is my only outlet
so, the day after I quit my job
I bought a drink at the 7-eleven
so, now I'm kicking back in my truck
which, I'm fond to do by the way
so I'm leaning against the arm rest on the inside
and my feet are propped up and out of the driver's window
and I'm re-evaluating my life
I'm thinking, "now what kind of predicament have I gotten myself into?" "I drink too much, when am I gonna stop drinking so much." "Am I gonna be like my dad and drink until I make myself sick?" "Why do I keep starting over in my life?" "It's a good thing I'm divorced." "I don't want to work in television anymore." "I need to grow up, get my life in order."
just then a little frail old lady comes walking up to my window
I could only see the top of her head next to my feet out the window
so I sit up and say hello
she greets me in Spanish
she then hands me a pamphlet
says goodbye in Spanish and just slowly walks away
it's a pamphlet about God
I look it over
but I can't read it because it's in Spanish
obviously, the timing was amazing
and I'm not saying that I would have made any major changes with just one pamphlet
but in that present state I was a little vunerable
but I didn't get the full effect cause I couldn't read it
so I just tossed it aside and finished my soda
that was a close one
maybe next time, God