
Friday, July 19, 2013

The Great American Beer Off VIII beer list

Here's the updated list
Wild Turkey Bourbon Barrel Stout
a Sam Adams (I forget which one)
Hans Pils
Black Butte Porter
Voodoo Chocolate Peanut Butter Banana Ale
Voodoo Bacon Maple Ale
Firestone Double Jack Ipa
Lagunitas Cappuccino Stout
Sophie Belgian Style Ale
Man O War
Batch 19 Pre-Prohibition style lager
Ballast Point Sculpin Ipa
Mint Ipa
Southern Tier Hop Sun
El Hefe Weizen
Hey Day Belgian style white ale
Old Engine Oil Black ale
Regal Double Pilsner
Mauri Brewing Coconut porter
Crazy Mountain Amber Ale
Lazy Magnolia Southern Pecan Nut Brown Ale
All Day Ipa
and another Ballast Point IPa


  1. It's nice to see some of those beers I chose for you.
