
Friday, February 3, 2012

I Made a Drink, and a Girl Almost Died

So these past few weeks I've been having a few get togethers at the den

nothing too crazy, just a few drinks with a few friends from work

after work

so, there's this girl at the station that comes over and she's pretty new to the whole drinking scene

and Lovely has become quite the beer buddy

so these are the regulars at the den these days

the thing is the newbie can't drink beer

or take a rum and coke

so I usually blend up something fruity for her

but I didn't feel like it this week

so I went online and looked up drink recipes for Sailor Jerry's

I found one that sounded pretty good

but there's only so many ingredients you can buy at midnight at your local grocery store

so I had to improvise

which makes this drink a bit unique from the original recipe

so this night we're also being joined by a couple

a dude and his chick

so, I tell everyone that I'm about to try and mix my first specialty drink

the girls all volunteer to have the first drink

they all love it

but only the girl that came with the dude had more than two of them

well, the night was going on without any problems so far

and the usual routine of the den is, you hang out in the den for a little bit

then all the smokers go outside for a drag

then you hang out in the den for a little bit

then back outside for a drag

which is what we were doing

we're all standing around a circle and the girl that had more than two of my drinks says aloud, "I feel weird."

she then proceeds to fall over and hits the ground

correction, her body hits the ground but her head hits the sidewalk

she's as stiff as a board

and she's moaning like the lady that fell while stomping grapes live on the news

the dude freaks out

the girls take over from there and seem to have the situation somewhat in control

I'm standing in my original spot drinking beer saying calmly, "turn her on her side."

I've just heard that said on tv plenty of times

so the girls are calling out to her, while standing over her

the dude is near tears asking what should he do

and I'm standing thinking, " did my drink do that?"

then the guy says, "I'm calling 9-1-1

my first thought is ,"NO!"

but then when the girl stopped moaning and went silent I thought, "...oh God she's dead."

"my drink killed her

that's how awesome it was

but clearly it's a two drink maximum "

but then she snapped out of it and came to

she didn't know where she was or what happened but she wanted to go home

they helped her up and they left

I went back inside with the girls and finished the few beers we had left

now, I've had some crazy nights at the den

sure the cops show up all the time

but never an abulance

can you imagine?

my folks no doubt would have woken up and came outside

and then the shit would have hit the fan

next day there would be a huge list of rules in the den for me

:Vincent cannot make anymore amazing drinks that almost kill his guests

that's a new rule

so we're wondering what caused this siezure/feinting spell

was it the tv, the video game that we played

was she tired?

was it really the drink

then I said, "we'll never know, I guess it was just a perfect storm that came together for her."

then Lovely says, "that's it. That's the name of the drink."

The Perfect Storm*

*Limit Two

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