this blog will be updated throughout the month
all I have to say for the kickoff is...awesome
that event started a little ripple
who knows what that one ripple will turn into
the amount of people and outsiders that came together out of the curious factor was impressive
I got this text from Raul 4 days after the party:
"We had some damn great times this last weekend. My compliments on the line of entertainment u provided."
considering he hates to feed my ego, for him to send that is huge
anywho, these were the two new beers for that night:

tonight is back to the original beer off
it's back to just me alone trying new beers
here they are:

and here's tonight's entertainment a double feature:

oh hell yeah!
so these were added to week one:

I had the Dead Guy Ale with my bro, Rube
he joined me in this new beer
funny story
we were at a ritzy resturant and ordered the Dead Guy ale
someone walked by to check on us and said
you guys ordered the... then he mumbled something we couldn't understand
so we just said yes
when he left I asked Rube, "What did we order?"
Rube just laughed
well after we waited forever, Rube asks the waiter
"what's taking so long, we just ordered beer."
the guy said you didn't order the antelope kabobs
we just looked at each other
then said "the what?"
the waiter said again "antelope kabobs"
I'm thinking "what the F is this guy saying to us?"
so we said "no, we ordered two Dead guy Ales"
they apologize and bring us our beer and the kabobs on the house
so there's the plate and for some reason Rube was hesitant to try some
he asks if I'm gonna try it
I told him, "You know me, I can't eat and drink."
so he asks "is it ok to eat this?"
I said "meat is meat"
then I told him I went to a hunter's bbq
there was all kinds of meat there and it all tasted the same to me
he had some but didn't like it
I think he couldn't get the idea of a reindeer out of his head
later we went to a hooka bar
and I smoked a hooka with him
we were cracking up about how we must look
then I cracked him up by holding the pipe of the hooka and saying "tell me more about this.."
took a puff
"beer off"
man he lost it
also Rube's co-worker is learning sign language
Rube taught me the sign for love
we kept doing that all night
I told him in sign I love drinking
i didn't know the sign for drinking so i just lifted my hand like a glass and drank out of my thumb
Rube cracked up
later we were listening to people karaokeing
and some fat chick was tearing it up
Rube signed that he loved it
man I cracked up
it was great times with RED
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