
Saturday, July 3, 2010

One Last One Before I Go...

here's the full details

what I've done is put a list of the 12 best and toughest beers I've drank in the previous 4 Beer Off's

here they are in no particular order:

Paulander Hefenweisen Killians Irish Red
Kirin Ichiban Red Stripe
Sierra Nivada Blue Moon
Long Hammer IPA Warsteiner
Shiner Bock Boddingtons Pub Ale
Two Mystery Beers

And last but certainly not least, Arrogant Bastard

so how this works is, we have 6 people that are going to drink at least 12 of these

here's the lineup and the brave souls:
Tyson The Gentleman
Gabe Raul
yours truly

and a mystery participant(I'm short one person)

who will be brave enough to step up?

Kate the Great is making a wheel that has all these beers

we'll spin the wheel to see which beer we'll drink

we'll do this 12 times

any duplicate spins will get the left right or across to it method

we may not have to drink the Bastard

it's not a race

we'll write the beer we're on down and you drink at your own pace

this will take all night

so Kate is also planning events and games and stuff

of course there will be plenty of pics

and I'll be shooting some footage for my own personal project for the new year

as for my day

I have a family reunion to attend hours before the beer off

I might buy a variety pack

which means I will probably drink 18 different beers today

above and beyond baby

here's a quick ha ha

everyone is stepping up and buying two 6 packs

which is great because aside from the cost

that would mean that I would have to drive home with 78 beers

damn I might as well throw my shotgun in the truck with me

if I get pulled over and asked where I'm going with all that beer and a loaded shotgun

I can tell the cop,

"The DeLuna Family reunion."

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