
Thursday, June 6, 2013

Well Hello There...

So, I've reopened my facebook account and I'm getting hundreds of questions about it

nay, thousands

and since I'm terribly busy, I've decided to list the main 5 reasons why I'm back(looks around to see if anyone bought all that crap)

1. Only a real asshole would delete his facebook page without stopping in once in a while to say hi.
2.It's summertime and the weather is hot. It's the Summer of V.
3. Crazy shirt Saturday
and lastly,
B. The Great American Beer Off VIII

I'm only back till the Summer

I'm gonna leave Facebook again sometime in August

I still can't handle the big Book

that's what we should call it

the big Book

anyway, if I have some fun I might come around every Summer to check on you guys



  1. Uuuummmmmm that's only four reasons not five........I WANT A FITH REASON!!!!

  2. Really? 1,2,3,B...hmm you're right.
