
Tuesday, August 2, 2011


Happy August everyone!!

I hope anyone that's reading this is in good health and good spirits

August has always been a good month for me

in the past I used to love August cause deep down I've always been a wrestling fan

and I just love SummerSlam

and this past few months wrestling has gotten good dawg

if you haven't been watching, you've missed Raw returning to the can't miss must see status of old

not since the rattlesnake ruled has wrasslin' been this good

I'm trying to put together a little family reunion for this one

we'll see

but now August has a slightly different reason for celebration

for the past 6 years it means I've survived another beer off

I'll post the beers I drank this year in the next post

I think this year was the most I've ever had

thanks to a convience store I found here in Austin that lets you make your own 6 pack using their orphan beers

and on a personal note

I put in my 30 day notice at my apartment complex

I'm still unemployed

and without a job it just felt wrong for me to lock into a commitment without the means to pull it off

I'm not sure what my future in Austin holds

I don't want to leave but I will do what I must

I'm still applying

my two brothers here in Austin are helping out

neither one wants me to leave

they both send me job postings

thanks dudes

I'm def not gonna miss my apartment

they've towed two of my family members

I'm surrounded by poor Mexicans

I think I have more than them even unemployed

but the memories for the pad are irreplaceable

from the crazy nights with Rube and Sharpie

to the visits from the Swagger

even down to Beautiful Bobby moving in for a month

Swag said to me "Tuna, I've never seen so many people stay in a room so small."

"But somehow you make it work."

well, I've always thought that there's a place for everyone

one person that won't miss me is my neighbor behind me

just about everytime I have company

it always gets too rowdy and loud

they always bang on the wall

I'm surprised they haven't come and dealt with me face to face yet

I keep expecting a knock on the door and when I open it

all you see is the side view and a giant fist cold cocks me right in the kisser

and you know what

I'd be ok with that

I deserve that

so this month is the most important month for my future here in the Capital City

I'll keep you posted

one more note

it's Rube's birthday this weekend

Happy B Day!!!

we will do it right this Friday

and in closing,

whatever you guys want or need in your own lives

I hope it comes easily

and if it doesn't

then go forth and conquer



  1. And right before the fist connects all you hear is. Mikey the monster says hello

  2. Ha ha it says anonymous but I know who THAT is! Long time no speak it seems Madnes! I need to catch up with you soon...


  3. hahahaha it was the only way it would let me post!
