
Saturday, November 24, 2012

Market Days

So, about two weeks ago Kate the Great calls me up on a Sat and tells me she wants to do some daytime drinking

so, we stop at the liquor store and buy a pouch of rum punch

all you need is a cup of ice and you're good to go

you should look into it

so, we get our drinks and head downtown

Kate is already high as balls when she picks me up

so we stumble onto market days

local town folk are tending to their little booths selling their little sheet

like belts that have your name on it

wooden crucifixes

shitty shirts and bedazzled dresses

as we're walking down the sidewalk

I notice a tent set up with Spiderman inside

he's standing there waving to the kids

I point him out to Kate

I'm sure at this point she's sure that it's the real Spidey

I notice that there's a make-shift Spiderman symbol hanging on the side he's standing on

then I notice a bat symbol on the other side of him

but I don't see Batman

I tell Kate, "look, Batman stood them up, he no showed."

I follow that up with, "Well, no shit, he stays out all night fighting crime, and sleeps all day. He's the only one taking crime fighting seriously. Actually, I'd be worried if he was here."

anyway, we walk towards the tent

at this point, a fat country fuck tells Kate and I "Hey there's a Transformer coming behind you."

I'm thinking he sees an 18 wheeler and has that confused with Optimus Prime

he probably just watched the first Transformer on regular tv

I reluctantly turn around and see this right behind us
and he's heading straight for Spidey

so I tell Kate," Let's sit on this bench and watch this unfold."

so we do as Bumblebee walks into Spidey's tent

but there's no big fight or confrontation

actually, Bumblebee is just ignoring Spiderman

and I tell Kate, "that hurts more than any punch could."

clearly, they're working together

and now that Bumblebee is there nobody's paying attention to Spidey anymore

so what does Spidey do?

he gets on facebook

I shit you not

I saw this with my own eyes

so, now Kate and myself are sitting on a bench in downtown square

sipping cups of rum punch

getting a good buzz

and Kate riding the wave of being high as well

watching Bumblebee  taking picture with kids

and Spidey updating his status

we run into a local reporter that we know

this guy is pretty straight laced and rather dull

as we're talking I ask him," did you see Spiderman and Bumblebee?"

his response was, "no, are they here?"

who's response is that calm?

Kate tells him, "I want to take a picture with them, but I want Bumblebee to put his mask on me, put Spiderman's mask on BUmblebee and then Bumblebee cover Spiderman's bare face with his hand. So everyone gets what they want, and all identities are protected."

the reporter just stares at Kate and lifts the shades she's wearing so he can see her eyes

He asks her, "are you high?"

I tell him, "among other things."

and we then go our seperate ways

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