
Saturday, May 29, 2010

White Girl Drunk II

Unlike the previous blog with that title

this one is not about me getting white girl drunk

so the other day I went to go see Robert Cray at Antones with my brother-in-law

great show

thanks for asking

while I was there I came across a sight I see quite often

I thought I'd make a few comments here

you see,

I'm an old soul when it comes to music

I like blues, soul, and r&b

and all that jazz

oh and jazz

I go to Clapton, BB King and Pink Floyd concerts

while I'm in the prime of my life

most of the fans that go to those type of shows are

how do I say this


so there are some older dudes that might take their kids

because there are some young peeps in the crowd

then there are the "ladies"

oh yeah!!!

the drunk white old ladies

I see them all the time at these shows

you know the ones that look like "a hot mess"

you can't tell who they're with

cause they're swaying and grinding in place

but no one will get up next to them

I have a couple of theories on these ladies

first is the "I haven't been home yet" lady

this is the one that is wearing the same outfit from work

you know that blue lady suit dress thing with a skirt

she has a drink after work and winds up at the Cray show

I bet she couldn't even name one Robert Cray song

actually neither could I

sorry Robert

then there's the "I live for this shit" lady

this is the one either knows Robert Cray or just loves Antones

or whatever venue she's at that night

she's the same age as the "I haven't been home yet" lady

but dresses like her daughter

actually I imagine she's home and right before her daughter comes home from school

she sneaks into her room and takes the trashiest outfit her daughter owns

mom probably bought it for her thinking "fuck yeah, I'll look hot in that at the Floyd show"

she changes on the spot and takes off for the pre-show to get her drink on

so now here I am in the back watching Robert Cray doing his thing

so now I see about 3 or 4 of them stacked in the crowd before me

there are 1 "I haven't been home yet" ladies

and 3 "I live for this shit" ladies

and of course there's a "I live for this shit" lady in front of me

this is my thought process:

"great an 'I live for this shit lady'"

"man, she's looking at me"

"Oh shit I bumped her head when I took a drink from my beer"

"oh no, she's turning around"

"she looks like a hot mess"

"she's saying she's sorry"

"she's squeezing my arm while applogizing"

"oh crap are you flexing, Vince?"

"Yeah, sorry it's a habit"

"stop it she's like 50"

"I know, I know I'm sorry"

meanwhile I'm missing this

then it cuts to the daughter going into her room

to see a dress suit skirt thingy on the floor

anyway, I ignore her and now I'm next to the "Who are you here with? No one man" man

he's the same age as the "I live for this shit" and "I haven't been home yet" ladies

and dresses like it

and has long hair

long grey hair

and loves Robert Cray

or blues

or just being out of the house

he starts to talk to me

at a concert

after a few minutes of bugging me

he sees the ladies

then says to me

"Now that's where I wanna be"

it was like a gross nature show

a "who are you here with? No one man" man woking his way into the crowd to dance with a "I haven't been home yet" and "I live for this shit" lady

anyway thanks Robert Cray, I love you!!!

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