
Saturday, July 17, 2010

Strike Now, While the Iron is Hot...

So a short bit after I bought my Hd cam(which I love by the way thanks for asking)

I started taking pics of some murals here in Austin

I showed them to my friend at work, Kevin

Kevin is a smart chap

well rounded and well traveled at least in mind if not body

hmm that sounds like a famous quote I once heard

anywho, I dig people like that so I always shut my mouth and listen when he speaks

well, Kevin is an artist and a writer and a generally creative cat

I showed him my pics and he liked them

then he told me about his favorite street artist

a man that calls himself Banksy

he's a British graffiti artist

his identity is unknown

now I'm not gonna pretend to know or say that I love graffiti

personally I don't

they're like tatoos to me

I haven't seen one yet that impressed me

but this guy's stuff is great

go check some of it out here

and for those of you who couldn't be bothered to do so here are some examples and some of my favorites:

now it just so happends that a documentary came out this year involving Banksy

it's been at the draft house and I've been meaning to go see it but never did

then it was gone

well I was looking in the paper and noticed that it was playing at the Dobie theater this Friday (yesterday)

now the Dobie theater is cool

that's a bit of an understatement

it's kind of an artsey theater

there are four screens,each with a different theme

Egyptian, French Tudor, Gargoyle Gothic and Space-Age Art Deco

I've only been in the Egyptian room 10 years ago to watch American Psycho

this one was playing in the Gargoyle Gothic

when I bought my ticket and walked in the room

it was almost pitch black

the only light was a few red lights in the ceiling

you couldn't even see the seats

all you could see were the gargoyles along the wall

I thought "this is freakin cool"

turns out the print of this movie is really weird

the cues are strange and it sometimes flips out

and it affects the lights

so the house lights were turned off

the attendant told us that after she appologized for us coming into this spooky room

already I'm loving this experience

so here's the premise of the flick:

a French filmmaker takes an interest in street artists and becomese fasinated with Banksy

He attempts to include Banksy in his documentary

however Banksy turns the tables on him and makes him the focus of the film

that's a very simple explination to a very amazing story

this might be my new favorite movie

def my favorite documentary

it has the Big V seal of approval

run, don't walk to go see this flick

Exit Through the Giftshop is what it's called

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