
Monday, October 17, 2011

Why Pink Floyd?

I saw a poster on my way out of a record store

that had the prism and the color spectrum with that question under it

Although I am out of my Floyd phase, I am still a fan

and this caught my eye

so I took to the internets

this is what it is

and who it look like:

so they have different "phases" to experience this in

check out the Immersion phase of Dark Side of the Moon:

Dark Side of the Moon marbles????

I know what I'm asking for Christmas
too bad none of my family reads these blogs...wait, thank god none of my family reads these blogs

that just leaves the big guy

Dear Santa,
sorry I flipped everyone off at the Christmas parade that one time

and raced a handicap woman up to the second floor

and tripped that guy walking up to accept his award


(I'll you all go. This is gonna take a while)


  1. Ya know I actually did piss jesus off one halloween. I guess santas peesed too.
